Coming from a close-knitted family, passionate about home-cooked food, we want to show you that cooking does not have to take up so much time. Since Singaporeans love to eat, shouldn't we learn to make the very dishes we love? Many of us do not dine at home as much as we would love to, even over the weekends.
Inspired by the annual event 'Eat With Your Family Day' held in conjunction with 'National Family Week' by MCYS(, we decided to form the House of Recipes.
The best way to store fresh celery is to wrap it in aluminum foil and put it in the refrigerator - it will keep for weeks. To restore color and shine to an aluminum pan, boil some apple peels in it for a few minutes, then rinse and dry.
A dampened paper towel brushed downward on a cob of corn will remove every strand of corn silk.
No "curly" bacon for breakfast when you dip it into cold water before frying.
Microwave garlic cloves for 15 seconds and the skins slip right off.
To keep cauliflower white while cooking - add a little milk to the water.
When mincing garlic, sprinkle on a little salt so the pieces won't stick to your knife or cutting board.
To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes.